Miguel Sánchez Romera is considered a chef unique in the world.
His first profession as a medical neurologist has printed his work very personal stamp, authentic and original.
He approaches cuisine from three vertices: science, health and art. Miguel believes these principles as his true mission within the culinary world. Creativity carried to the extreme, with the limits of natural and healthy, has characterized his work over the last 20 years. His only motivation is the overall pleasure the diner experiences with his food.
Miguel views diners in the same way he views his patients, “health and well-being are the first objective and should be kept intact throughout our existence.”

Sanchez Romera Style is the culmination of the culinary trajectory of the chef.
The Chef’s first culinary workshop was his home kitchen, where he became an autodidact chef. During all these years he has gone through different professional experiences in Barcelona, Tokyo, Yokohama, New York, Caracas, Beijing, Shandong… which have built his new culinary essence.
Miguel believes that now is the time and the place to offer his guests absolute and unconditional freedom in culinary expression.

The purpose is to create a unique atmosphere to share culinary experiences between the Chef and anyone from anywhere in the world who is a sensitive explorer to the new and the old flavors of cuisine and wine. Therefore, all of those who are lovers of gastronomic pleasure, universal and related, who understand that cuisine must integrate art, culture and science to approach a more expressive refinement found in natural products and without artifice are welcome. The final beneficiary of this culinary journey, this reflection of the Chef’s gastronomic thoughts, will be the diner.

“Times Square” Pigeon

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